Talkin’ Bout MY Generation


By Joshua Blake

Thanks to the gullible nature that has encompassed the Internet, I managed to see this picture pop up onto Facebook rather recently – and even more so – quite frequently. Which begs the only question I can muster: am I missing something?

Now, I know what you’re thinking: what does this kid know about life? Well, if you happen to be the type of Gen-Y-do-I-have-to-do-stuff person who’s confused about what meaning your life’s gonna have, look no further – and also listen up. Your future is not the picture that’s displayed before you.

That’s right, I said it, but I won’t say it again. Your life’s gonna deal you heartache and heartthrob. A lust for passion and a femme fatale – or, perhaps in that case, a passion for lust – with a bunch of crazy natural disasters in between.

Life’s about learning from through experience – good and bad – and if you can’t tell the difference, I can’t help you. Then again, I never said I wanted to.

So, as the saying goes: I’ll sleep when I’m dead. Hasta la vista – for now.