Why Song Lyric Sites Completely Suck


By Joshua Blake

If you’re a fan of music like myself, you can’t help but have those agonizing moments where you occasionally miss what lyric was just sung. Your next course of action? Type in the song of your choice into Google with “lyrics” next to it, and become even more lost than you were before.

I was listening to “Hyperventilate” by Sixx:A.M. just a few minutes ago, and had that “What’d he just say?” moment, only to be consumed by confusion and anger.

How do song lyric websites continue to get hits if they’re consistently wrong? Listen to “Hyperventilate” and you be the judge.

Okay, now what did you hear?

This? Or what’s below it?

Hyperventilate lyrics #1

Hyperventilate lyrics

But wait, there’s more!

Hyperventilate lyrics #2

Hyperventilate Lyrics 2

The lyric site I went to – azlyrics.com – forgot to type out the last chorus, too. Metro Lyrics, Lyrics Box, and Lyrics Mania all got the lyrics wrong – even Google Play got it wrong.

Now, a possible explanation could be that the band made lyrical changes after the lyrics were printed on the CD and vinyl sleeves, however, the differences in those scenarios are minimal at best. Even so, all – if not most – song lyric sites have a “submit corrections” option. And it should really be up to the admins of those sites to make sure that everything’s correct the first time, but I digress.

Song lyric sites completely suck, and I feel obliged to correct their wrongdoings. Who’s with me?